Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Mommy's Big Girl, An Ode to Elaina

These are a few pictures of Elaina in her first year of life. Having a new sister has thrown her world a little off and although she has had her moments she is coping very well. Today she kissed Claire for the first time. I'm proud of her. She's my big girl.

Me and Daddy...
Me and Pappy Thanksgiving 2005
Me and Uncle Tommy...

Christmas 2005...
In Bubba's Store...


  1. Too cute!! Now I miss her more than ever!

  2. Seems she is going to be a wonderful big sis!

  3. Poor little thing has a horrible cold and can't breathe but is still wanting to be helpful and burp Claire.

  4. I sure do miss being in the same room with her. She had the cutest way of waking up in the mornings and I loved the way she held her hand out to me and would wave when I went to bed. Oh I miss her.
