Saturday, December 02, 2006

Pictures and Words...

How wonderful to watch them grow!


  1. Oh I can't wait for you to get here. They are changing faster than I can keep up with them. Keep posting pictures.

  2. Presh!

    go over to Shades of Green and add some things to the list of things there can never be too many of...

  3. oh brother. now I realize that when i left you that note above, you had already left a comment. i think i hadn't checked them before i said that. i didn't mean to urge you to leave more, as though your first list wasn't good enough, but i do like your list. you sweet, sentimental old dear thing.

  4. and you know what else? i'm thinking of you a lot during this weird time in your life. it's hard i know. be strong. love you.
