Tuesday, January 09, 2007

We have a home again!!

After a good month of living out of boxes and tubs we are finally in our new house. We have had requests for "a tour" so here goes... (Please keep in mind that everything is crazy right now but it WILL be clean one day! :)) Double click on the pictures to see them larger.

Our humble abode:

This is the backyard:

This is the entry hall into our house. I had to take a picture of it to show the brown, fuzzy wallpaper. (Hopefully it is soon to go!)

This is the living room and my favorite room:

This is the dining room(notice my anniversary flowers):

This is the kitchen:

This is Claire's room:

This is Elaina's room:

And another view of Elaina's room:

This is the main bathroom. I didn't take any pictures of the master beadroom or bathroom because they are the worst looking at the moment.

And here is our "laundry room" in the garage:


  1. I am SO HAPPY for you, and I hope I can see it in person someday. That is SOME wallpaper, I must say! When I moved into my house, so much had to be updated. It takes time, but isn't it great to have a HOME?

  2. Thanks for the "tour". I don't know when I will be able to see it in person. Hopefully before the baby is born but who knows?

    I personally like the fuzzy brown paper. It has an ancient feel to it. Give your house some panache. ;)

  3. Yay! Big house. I was thinking it would be funny if you has misspelled abode and put "adobe" like in Mexico or somthing. I'm with Nardo about the wallpaper. Just call yourself Twiggy or Apple or Dusty, and wallow in the campiness of it.

  4. yay for the new house! and the free flights to fort smith!

  5. Oh - I'm so jealous!!! I'm VERY ready to be done with the unpacking! --- And your girls are adorable!!! I can't wait to see them!

  6. answer to your comment on Shade of Green in case you don't see it there:

    oh my goodness, i should say so. even more flattering is when you're 51 and your daughters want to borrow something of yours to wear. rather puts wind in your sails!

  7. wow! rooms. lots of rooms. and space! yay!

    as per the wallpaper, i will invoke the great unwritten law for southern women:
    "if you can't be kind, be vague."

    wow, Beka, that's some wallpaper!
