Friday, February 23, 2007

Future Plans

For about a year I have been dreaming and planning of a future -special- anniversary trip. Not thinking clearly at the time, we planned our wedding to take place in the winter. There seems to be a lot less choices of places to go in the winter unless you are terribly fond of skiing. For some reason or another (probably saw a movie or something) Vermont has embedded itself in my dreams and will not leave. I see sleigh rides and snow and hot choclate,etc... So, for several months I searched the internet trying to find the perfect B&B for us to stay at. After MUCH deliberation I have decided. Winham Hill Inn. Then I went a step farther..or is it further?... and picked the exact room I want to stay in. White Barn, North Loft. Those of you that know me are probably thinking to yourself, "Of course she picked that room. Look at the cost." But I don't care, I tell you. It's my dream and it can be whatever I want. I am quite aware that this trip will probably never happen but "I can dream, can't I?" It's beautiful and romantic and if Jason is so inspired, he can go out on our (private) deck in the freezing cold and paint a beautiful snow scene. There is a lot to do in the surrounding area also. Now I'm going to go take a nap and dream of my beautiful Vermont.


  1. You've watched too many Crosby movies.

  2. Hey, keep dreaming. One of these days it will happen. Never give up.

  3. I want to go to the tuscan hill country with the tall skinny trees.

  4. ...and that's a really sweet dream.

  5. What a place! What a room! I like your daydreams... and I have high hopes you'll be there someday.

  6. That does look beautiful! As long as we are dreaming, Hawaii is our dream destination - we are hoping for a 10-year anniversary trip.

  7. Hawaii would be fun too!
