Thursday, February 15, 2007

Sonnets and Prunes


  1. The picture of Claire reminds me of you at feeding time. One of these days she will be old enough to understand that prunes taste terrible. Cute pictures though.

  2. A winning combination, for sure.

  3. I really, really hope that picture of Claire is not a omen of what probably came about an hour or so later. That's what you get for feeding her prunes!!

  4. Yeah, we've had some interesting

  5. Elaina looks so big, and looks kinda spunky and like she'd try to be the boss:) I'm just not used to her being so "older" looking! Like a kid rather than a baby:(
    I love Claire in all her
    "Prune Glory"
    It's so wonderful having grandbabies, it's even more wonderful having such cute, adorable, perfect ones!:)

  6. did you mean 'sonatas' and prunes?

    in any event, every child needs the legacy of a smiling while covered with food in the high chair picture. this is an excellent specimen!

  7. i cant wait to see those younguns in 2 WEEKS!!!!

  8. I might mean that. I'm not sure. Oh, a sonata is music w/out words,etc..? Sounds like a grandpa moment. I hated when G-pa would ALWAYS correct me on song vs. piece but now that is one of my biggest pet peeves!
