Monday, March 05, 2007

Lillie Kathleen Moseley

Born March 2, 2007 at 3:38pm. She weighed 5lbs 8oz and was 18 1/2 inches long.


  1. Lillie is absolutely beautiful!!! I miss her already!! Have fun and give her lots of kisses for me!!

  2. yay!

    whoa. check out her feet.

  3. She is beautiful! Just wait until she fills out and catches up with her "little-big" feet:)She'll need those to run with Elaina, Claire, and all her other cousins:)
    I think she looks just like Pam!
    Nanny's face...Pappy's hair color:)
    Congratulations! love, BeBe

  4. Such a cutie... and so dainty. I cannot wait to meet her!

  5. Hi,
    I have just stumbled across your blog,(via Strem)and am very interested to know which Moseleys have had this bundle of joy - I am too am a Moseley, you see. Only I stem from the Georgia Moseley's.

  6. She is the daughter of David and Leah Moseley. David's parents are Bill and Sissy Moseley from TX. That's as far back as I go. YOu can check out Leah's blog at

  7. Thank you. I don't think I am related to the texas Moseley's - not much surprise there, the Moseley's are a big big family
