Friday, March 30, 2007

Swingset vs. Trampoline

What's your opinion???


  1. For who? You or the kids? Adam loves his trampoline, but kids do have fun on the other. Why not both!!!

  2. We aren't that rich! I guess it would be for all of us.

  3. you don't have to be rich...that's why there's grandparents:)
    Swingset sounds like a good Bubba & BeBe gift for both girls this birthday?? I'll have to twist Bubba's arm!ha. love those babies:)

  4. can i vote for a playhouse? a play house will keep them occupied the longest, and i'm guessing that's what you're after.

    (speaking from much experience with the two girls scenario)

    (and make the doors and ceilings higher than the generic play house designers out there do, because they will keep using it until they are almost grown.)

    (in fact, they will go out there to read and draw and think and write letters and stuff even after they are pretty much grown up, probably.)

    (come to think of it, i think i would like to have my own playhouse.)

  5. Even though it was not provided as an option, I also vote for the playhouse. But, if that isn't in the pool, will the swingset be the kind with lots of options? (slide, teeter totter, swings, etc?)

  6. We have both but the kids play on the trampoline the most. Audrey plays on the swingset some. I do like the idea of a playhouse. I wish we had one.

  7. a huge fort-like structure will fit the bill nicely.

  8. I say swingset. Ours was a pirate ship, a rocket, or any thing you could imagine.

  9. swingset
    then playhouse

  10. Trampoline (with a net), for sure. The kids have used that far more than the swingset.

  11. Come on, People. Either a limestone garrison, a 100-foot bungee jump, or a steel roller coaster. Teach your kids to live life to the utmost.

  12. Oh yeah. It's for sure going to be the steel roller coaster WITH a lime green car to ride on it.

  13. How about a rocket launcher?

  14. Interesting. I'll have to think about that one.

  15. Interesting. I'll have to think about that one.

  16. If the sky's the limit (literally and figuratively), how about a human cannon? That way, they can have fun now and prepare for a future career in the traveling circus.

  17. I say trampoline...We have a swingset now but even when I was really little I used to want a Trampoline and I still do!! :)
    Plus if they get to wild you can just send them out to jump maybe that will be the thing that gets the most energy out of em'lol
