Thursday, April 26, 2007

Look what Claire did for the first time today!!!


  1. Yay for Claire!!! Big girl! (literally. look at those thighs) :-)

  2. Claire is coming along perfectly!! I love the glasses. Elaina looks "just like Jason at that age" Jason used to try to be the boss and want to dictate Louis every move. When he didn't get to be the boss...he had that SAME face!!! little brat!ha. Bubba and I have laughed sooooo much at her. we keep saying..."Jason"!

    I love the girls in the white dresses. Look out Elaina...turning your back IS NOT going to work for very long....Claire is sizing up that book and she will soon know how to leap over and GET it!:)
    So much fun having beautiful grandbabies! Thanks Jason & Bekah, BeBe

  3. Yay!! and how cute. look at 'er go!
