Sunday, November 23, 2008

I was tagged...

1. Where is your cell phone? On Jason's dresser in our room
2. Your significant other? Jason, Jason, Jason
3. Your hair? Until Monday is was dark brown but now it has some carmel and red highlights.
4. Your mother? I don't get this question. What about my mother?
5. Your father? Read above entry
6. Your favorite thing? My man and my girls
7. Your dream last night? I don't remember
8. Your favorite drink? Water and right now Egg Nog is high on the list. Or as Elaina called it, Egg Hatch.
9. Your dream/goal? Be in shape again, be a good mother, be a better wife, grow flowers instead of killing them
10. The room you're in? Dining Room
11. Your hobby? Cooking
12. Your fear? Outliving my children
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Jason out of school teaching college somewhere, me pregnant again
14. what you are not? pregnant :)
15. muffins? not with raisins!!!
16. one of your wish list items? Pottery Barn stuff.
17. Where you grew up? Arkansas
18. The last thing you did? Got on to the girls, re-fixed their covers, made Eily a bottle
19. What are you wearing? Satin pj pants and an ATU sweatshirt
20. Favorite gadget? does my dishwasher count?
21. Your pets? Jason, hehe
22. your computer? finally home again!!!
23.Your mood? sleepy, ready for Jason to get home from Joshua's housewarming thingy and SO GLAD TO BE DONE TRAVELING!!!!
24. Missing someone? Jason, Molly, Kathryn
25. your car? Chevy Venture Van
26. something you are not wearing? underwear haha just joking!! I'm not wearing any shoes
27. Favorite store? Pottery Barn, Target, Maurices
28. Like someone? Well? I like a lot of people.
29. Your favorite color? Permanently Yellow, Temporarily Orange
30. When is the last time you laughed? Been a while. The last time I belly laughed was at Uncle Robert's house in September.
31. Last time you cried? I wanted to today
I tag Katrina, Ashlie (PLEASE put up a new post!!!!) and Christy


  1. I have 2 new posts thank you very much!

  2. I love egg nog, too. If I'm not careful, I'll gain 10 lbs from now till Christmas b/c of it, too. LOL! :)
