Thursday, November 06, 2008

The newest talent in our family.

After the girls were tired of "jumping" in their leaf piles, they sat on the little trycicles that are always on the side of our house. They didn't know how to ride them but they always enjoy sitting on them. I decided since the weather was nice I would work with Elaina on peddling. Well, Claire pushed her bike to the asphalt, jumped on and just took off. I sort of just stared and then Elaina did the exact same thing. It was crazy! So we practiced until Daddy got home and then showed him what they had learned!


  1. wow! they've sure impressed their uncle. those videos were great! I didn't know that blogger had a video player...

  2. that is so cute! before you know it, they'll be riding big bikes

  3. Yah! I love videos! Great job!!!
