Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Family Time

The van has been out of commission FOREVER!!! and the girls are going house crazy and since Jason was home yesterday we all piled in his car and took off for the mall. The girls got to play in the kid jungle and then we walked around a few stores. They had Santa set up to take pictures and the pathway to him was really cool. You got to walk IN the huge Christmas tree that is in the middle of the mall and there were two Christmas cartoons playing on big flat screen TV's. The Grinch was playing inside the tree. There were fake kids playing with snow and sledding and huge fake presents and interesting things all over the place. We walked the path just for fun and then we walked back out. As we were leaving there was a group of three adults that were about to get their picture taken with Santa. Elaina pipes up, Who's THAT guy? And why is all that white fuzz all over him?" All the on-lookers and the photographer looked at us like we were crazy. What can I say? I hate the guy. (No offence to all you Santa lovers out there.) He is nowhere to be found in our house so the girls are totally unfamiliar with him. Really, you should have seen the stares and looks we got.


  1. lol. I hate the guy too. That's so great.

  2. I don't hate Santa, what's good about hate? hmmmmmmmmmmmm????? Auntie Claus said to "Anti Clauses" LOL I've know lots of great Santas in my day :)
