Thursday, December 11, 2008

Gingerbread House Fun!!

Our first try as a family to make a gingerbread house!!
(Wood glue included)

Eily helped by staying content in her highchair

The front

A closer view of the front (See out icicle!)

Left side

Right side
Back door (Very similar to the front door)
So proud!!!


  1. how fun!!!! i want one! the last picture of elaina is hilarious. it cracked up when i saw it.

  2. wow! I bet the girls had so much fun! and a very cute picture of Eily and Elaina. :-)

  3. oh what a great mom you are! The girls look soooo excited!!!! I love their faces! Tell them BeBe is so impressed with their Gingerbread house!!!!

  4. Wow! It turned out well! I did this last year, and let Hallie do most of it, it turned out horrible! haha, she was proud of it though, and i was just glad she had such a fun time doing it! They are so cute!

  5. How cute!! They looked like they had so much fun!! Hope y'all are having a great Holiday season so far!

  6. GREAT JOB!!! Tell the girls that Aunt Wanda is so very proud!!! Love that smile on Elaina's face, you didn't need electricity for a week after all that voltage!!!! Hugs and Love!!!

  7. Impressive --- both the house and your attempting it! ;)Great job, girls!!!
