Saturday, January 17, 2009

Birthday Party!

Today was cousin Aaron's birthday party.
Elaina has been soooo excited about this event.
She found out Wednesday that we were coming to this after she slept 3 more times.
Every night we would restate how many sleepy darks were left.
Last night she was so eager to go to bed. Even around lunch time she was asking if she could go to bed. This morning she woke up raring to go. And when we got there?...

This was her attitude. She is NOT a socialist.

But they brought out the party hats and everything got better.

And they played outside on Aaron's new swing set/jungle gym.

And then Anna rang the dinner bell and we all had Mac-N-Cheese with hot dogs and birthday cake and ice cream! Yum!
Then Aaron got to open all his presents.

And then Claire got upset because she couldn't ride for forever with Aaron on his Gator.
And we went home.


  1. Jolee does the same thing! She will be so excited about going somewhere and then it takes her forever to warm up to people and things when we get there. But once she does, she's fine!
