Friday, January 30, 2009

Coupons 101

I've had a lot of questions from several different people about how to collect coupons, how to organize them, etc.. and although I am still a newbie at this I will try my best to point you in the right dirction.

Where to get coupons:

The best place to find coupons is from the inserts in the Sunday Paper. Collect as many copies as you are comfortable dealing with and keep them until they expire. Choosing which coupons to clip is up to you. I like to cut out every coupon (except the animal coupons.) An example of why I would do this follows:
Last week there was a coupon for Orajel. I decided not to cut it out because Eily has a tube already and I didn't think I would need it by the time she finished teething. Well, that same week Walgreen's had it on sale where with the coupon it would have been free and it was one of the Walgreen's rebate items for the month and along with the coupon there was a rebate form in the paper from the Orajel company. I would have made $9.00 and I would of had a tube of Orajel that I could have given to someone else. I now clip all coupons.

Not all stores take Internet coupons but many do. Wal-Mart does and most Targets do. Ours did until a week or two ago. They only take Internet coupons from the Target website now b/c people were making illegal copies of the other Internet coupons. Stupid cheaters. I'm pretty sure Kroger takes them also. The best place to get Internet coupons is Every month they upload a new supply of coupons and you can print as many as you need. Also, I recommend checking in daily to There is an amazing amount of free samples out there and usually there is a coupon for the item in with the sample. I also check and for other Internet coupons.

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