Friday, January 30, 2009

Dancing in Diaperville


  1. Thanks for all the coupon tips below! I love the way you have them organized - so much more specific than my method! I will be revising! We also have both a CVS and Walgreens on our corner - I'm going to give this a shot! Thanks!

  2. yes, thank you for the coupon tips. I'm sure I'll have more questions for you one of these days.

    What a cute video! Eily is getting SO big. and Claire has some really great dance moves. :-) they're so cute!

  3. how sweet!!! Miss Eily KNOWS she is doing "something":) Claire is like her BeBe...she is "busting a move"!ha. How adorable. Eily looks like a big baby on the diaper boxes now!!!! She is standing so well.
    Gonna eat her up when I get my hands on her!ha..
    I'll ck out the coupon info later. Gotta continue all my call backs!!!!
