Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Bug read her first story today. See Me Eat. From now on, at the end of every lesson there will be a story and a corresponding picture. The picture is the "prize" because the child doesn't get to see it until after they have read the story. I can't believe she is doing as well as she is. We have basically encountered zero obstacles in this whole process. I can only hope the other two girls learn as easily.


  1. That is awesome! I am so proud of her! And, if you want some printably easy readers and activities go to

    We use this website a lot!

  2. awwwwwww. I wish I could hear her read. Can't wait!!!! Makes your heart swell with unmeasurable awe doesn't it? Tell her that BeBe is so happy to hear this news:)

  3. HOw great!! Of course you know teachers are excited to hear about kids reading!! I actually give my students a little reader to take home each week so I may have some extras lying around if your interested...great job mom and dad!!!

  4. Send me anything. We like it all!!
