Monday, February 23, 2009

Outside Influence

One of the neighborhood boys, Austin, is over here playing with the girls, Renee and Natalie. Generally, he is a nice, well behaved, 4 year old child. Yesterday afternoon, when we had returned home from church, he ran up to Bug and asked if they could play together. I told him maybe later but we had to eat lunch, etc...

He and Bug chatted for a second and then he said, "See ya tomorrow!!" Then he leaned closer to her and said very sternly, "If I don't see you tomorrow your butt is going to be grounded!" Then he straightened up, waved enthusiastically and said very cheerfully, "See ya!!"

Bug just stood there looking a little perplexed. She has never heard the word "grounded" and at our house "butt" is a bad word. I think she had no idea what he was trying to say to her. That's ok with me but now I keep a closer eye on everyone when he is around. Just in case there is something I need to explain or correct.


  1. I think I would lay down the law to that kid on behavior at your house.

  2. I will if he ever does something like that again. So far, he has behaved himself.

  3. I would kindly tell him that "we" do not allow the word "butt" in our home and he needs to not use that type of language while playing at your house??? I always guided everyone else's kids while I was at it. If his mom doesn't like it....he'll quit coming over...thus problem solved:))
