Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Getting things done

Today I want to accomplish the following:

1. Puree, bag and freeze strawberries, cauliflower and zucchini

2. Deep clean entire house from top to bottom, side to side and the front porch as well

3. Get all laundry washed and possible folded

4. Get caught up on checkbook/banking

5. Don't kill children and babysitees

6. Write blog post

7. Wrap family day gifts

Right now that is all that I can think of.
I would say that I will draw a line through it as I get it done but I don't know how to do that on the computer. So I will probably just write a new post at the end of the day showing what I accomplished.


  1. Wow, that's a lot to accomplish in one day. I wouldn't be able to get the whole house deep cleaned in one day, especially with kids. Youre a super mom if you can pull this one off!! (I already think you are though!)

  2. Strikeout -- that's what you're after.

    Well, phooey, I tried to show you the HTML tag for that here, but Blogger won't publish my comment with that tag in it. Let's see if I can fool them by doing it this way: it's (s) (/s) only you have to use <> instead of ().


    Enjoy Family Day! The Dallas carful just left.
