Thursday, March 19, 2009

He arrived on his own

March 19th
Born at 3am
7lbs 10oz
20 3/4 inches long

Meeting his older brother for the first time.


  1. I love how Claire and Alaina are both biting their upper lip thats an adorable picture. Congrats on your new Nephew! Cant wait for mine! He looks like a huge baby by the way!

  2. awwwwww

    he's SO cute!

  3. He is precious! Congrats to the family!

  4. He looks huge! What a beautiful face. Rachel looks very happy too. Tell her congratulations from us. Elaina and Claire look very excited. I'm glad you all got to go in and see him. I thought sickness was getting in the way:) Love ya'll. Tell Nanny and Pappy we are so happy for them too.

  5. Congrats and tell them congrats too!! Thats so exciting!!
