Friday, March 27, 2009

I think it's list time again

I need some motivation this morning. I am weary and dreary. So, I am going to post another list of what I want to get accomplished this morning so that I will be shamed if I don't get to strikeout each and every item.

Item number one...

Pick up house. This is the major item on my list. It is bad, bad, bad here.

Item number two...

Get the checkbook caught up...again.

Item number three...

Clean this computer screen. My goodness! I can't even see some of the words that I hope I am spelling correctly.

Item number four... (this is my optional item)

Get all coupons clipped and updated.

Item number five...

Do a load of laundry. There should be enough dirty laundry for just that! :)

Get ready for the fundraiser tonight at the Art Center!!


  1. my goodness........pick up a bit, while the load of clothes is washing and forget it! You have 3 children that you are not counting as "duties" that are nonstop! Plus it's give yourself a break!!!! Have fun tonight. If you do too much extra, you will not enjoy it.Pretend you did it all, and the kids just messed it up again! Start over tomorrow:))ha.

  2. I am impressed!! I got my room cleaned. took all day.....not joking
