Wednesday, March 11, 2009

10:34 pm

Well, I didn't get it all done. I could have but I got the brilliant idea to go on a date with J-poo and called up 'ol Uncle Josh to Elaina sit. (Claire and Eily were already asleep.) So now that we are home I have lost all steam and have decided to go crawl under the covers and give up a snore or two. I did get all but one counter space in the corner of the kitchen and the kitchen floor cleaned before the entire house would be considered finished. (Is that sentence grammered ;-) correctly?) I can do that easily tomorrow and I can fold the mountain of laundry on the couch and I can sweep the front walk. Oh yeah, and do the checkbook and wrap the gifts.

In the morning, Kathryn is going to go to a Zumba class with me. I'm very excited to have someone to look goofy with in this class. It's going to be so much fun!!!

Claire has a very, super duper sore throat and an ear infection and Eily has two horrible ear infections but they seem to be feeling much better now that they have had a few doses of "that tasty pink medicine." Claire Bear

I am heading off to bed now. I cannot wait to see all of my far off family this weekend!!!!!
Hooray for Family Day!!!!!!!

P.S. Caitlin, you should feel special. All of this house cleaning is just for you. !!


  1. I thought family day was in November?

  2. There are two different Family Day celebrations.

    Grandma and Grandpa and their offspring is this weekend and then Mom and Dad and their offspring is at Thanksgiving.
