Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Supper looked pretty,

So I grabbed my camera and took a few shots.

Oo da la li!

Come to mommy. After you cook, of course. Although you might be pretty tasty raw.

Another favorite waiting to be steamed up right nice.

She is so tired. And dirty.

Did I let her eat with those nasty hands? I sure did.
As Jason put it, "Supper, Benadryl, Bath, Bed."

What? How did this picture sneak in? (yum)

Parmesan Talipia. One of Jason's top ten meals.
Courtesy of Anna Green
(This is the uncooked picture in case you were about to start grossing out.)

I'm in food heaven.

The flowers the girls picked for me yesterday afternoon served as our table decoration.

She loves it, too!


  1. yum! The girls look so cute!!!

  2. Where did you learn to cook like that!!! Not from me!!!
