Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Tomorrow's List

I like making lists. I am a list person. I married a list person. Together, we will live happily ever after making lists. When I posted what I wanted to accomplish last weekend I felt strangely accountable to you followers. I felt that if I didn't accomplish those things, or at least most of those things you would all realize what a lazy bum I am and cross me off your list.

So I am posting another list stating what I want to accomplish tomorrow. March 18. (This "getting done" is subject to Eily letting me put her down while she is awake. The little tyke is worse than I've ever seen her. Her eyes won't open all the way and they are red rimmed and puffy. Her nose is full of yuck and she ran a fever all day. I took her to the Dr again and her ear infection was still bad so they switched her medicine. Yesterday she threw up twice.) (Oh yeah, and it hinges on whether or not Rachel goes into labor.)

-(so far) Once again let the little beings in the house continue to live. There will be 5 here tomorrow.

- Finally sweep and mop that dadgum kitchen floor.

-Do what laundry we have accumulated in the past two days and put it away.

- Sort the ironing into piles that are not too intimidating and become determined to actually iron them one day.

- Keep the house picked up

- Wash the sheets and re-make Claire's bed

- Mow side yard and 1/2 of back yard

That's all. But I'd say it will take me all day to do between breaking up the fights that always occur when I babysit (and when I don't babysit) and Eily needing her Mommy.

BTW, If you ask Eily where her nose is she points to it and squirms her finger all around. So cute!


  1. you have a lot of followers! POPULAR!!!!!!

  2. Where are Jason's glasses!!!!?

    I'm just concerned... that's all.

    Oh, and I hope little Eily starts feeling better soon.

    You'll always be on my list; so, don't worry. :-)

  3. Awww...we would never cross you off our list,though I'm just a follower, not a "follower." LOL

    I'm a list person, too, but I did NOT marry a list person! ;)

    ...And isn't ironing dreadful?!!! It is always the thing put off until last!

    Hope poor Eily is better very soon, and good luck today!

  4. He had just come from painting and he won't wear them while he paints. I guess he forgot to put them back on before leaving the house.

  5. oh yeah, you are really lazy....3 babies, 2 extra babies to babysit. A large home to keep, a husband, and all those list to write...and laundry, and cooking, and...etc....and what ever else pops up...church meetings, family gatherings, coupon-aholic, shopping and emailing and blogging.............and wishing for a clothes line:)) "Where are the bon-bon's??:)
    such a BUM:) haha.

  6. I noticed in the picture of Jason and Grandpa that Grpa was showing his age. I guess I had not ever really noticed it before
