Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Guess what I just did!

I walked outside to put some mail in the mailbox and on the way back in noticed a weed that needed to be pulled out of the front flower bed. And then another and then another. Before I knew it I was pulling weeds and throwing out leaves like a mad woman. Once that was finished, the grass looked extra pitiful so I got out the mower, lowered it to the lowest setting so that I don't have to do it again tomorrow, and mowed the front and side yards. Then I walked to the backyard and decided I wanted the swing set turned another direction and twisted the entire thing by myself. (Bravo to me. We have the world's longest swing set. It was not easy.) I then thought about mowing the backyard but the girls are out there playing now and I need to be in here to listen for Eily, Renee and Natalie. So I guess I won't. I guess I will do something else. And that will probably lead to something else, that will lead to something else, that will lead to....


  1. If you give a Green a yard...

  2. I know I've said this before, but you're supermom!!

  3. Do you realize when Pa puts in a is for safety and a tornado might blow away the swings but the legs that are set 6ft.under will never waiver????HA
    you must be HE-Woman!!!

    Besure you get Jason to set them into the ground so the set doesn't turn over with the girls. (not that you'd need Jason or pa or anyone else.ha.ha.)
    I'm impressed!!! How do you MOW while watching 5 girls???????

  4. We didn't have Pa set it b/c we will be moving as soon as Jason finishes school so I only had to get the legs out of the holes that the weight of the kids had made.

    Eily, Renee and Natalie were asleep and Claire and Elaina were watching Dora on the computer with the chore of coming to get me if Eily woke up. I was actually a little suprised that I got as much done as I did. I really thought that mowing right under Eily's window (the room where all 3 were sleeping) would be the "death" of my activeness but they must have been really tired b/c nobody woke up for at least another hour.
