Thursday, April 16, 2009

I am not ashamed.

You know why? Because instead of just picking up the house I decided to deep clean the booger. So I did. I also got the laundry washed but not folded and put away but I'm close to getting that one taken care of. And...I organized a lot of my coupons. I still have a lot more to organize but I am about to start on that in just a few minutes.

And I played outside with the girls.

And that is why I am not ashamed.


  1. Well you should NOT be ashamed! you are a hands-on mom and a darn good one! love you

  2. Okay, I wouldn't be ashamed either! You go!! p.s. don't worry about my birthday! i don't even know when yours is..I'm thinkin sept but I can't remember the day. Please don't worry about it!!

  3. I bow. In humble amazement. I know what this means to you. You can face the world.

  4. and by the way, you little pioneer stinker, now i will have to check your blog see if you're having another clever contest. good for you! that looks like fun.

  5. I have been so wanting to resume blogging lately...just now when I have so much to do I've given up cooking, cleaning, and laundry. Yep, sorry folks, I may not be the virtuous woman, but Lord willing we're gonna have this wedding...and I'm the only mother of the bride that's available.

  6. I'll come help you after it's all over. How about that?
