Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Lack of sleep can result in the following...

This past weekend I went to Memphis to my cousin's lingerie shower. It was oodles of fun but I forgot to get my camera from Leah before I left. She kept Claire overnight so that I would have enough room in my car for the fellow travelers and these are some of the pictures that I downloaded. I like to come up with my own scenario of what happened.

In this photo, the two girls are playing happily, enjoying each other's company. Perhaps having a sip or two of refreshing liquid if they happen to desire it.

Claire, realizing that Lillie neglected to give her her own sippy cup decides that she has had enough of this unhospitibleness ( how about that word!!) and starts to leave.

"I can't believe that Lillie is getting a drink and all I have to chew on is this stupid toy. Oh, please don't tell mommy that I said stupid. I'm not supposed to say that word. But still, how stupid is this??!!"


"Oh Claire, please don't leave me. You are my bestest friend in the whole wide world and if you leave I will be totally degradatated!"

Lillie is now totally degradatated.

"I can't contain my distress!! I think I shall perish!"

Lillie is now perishing.

Claire, seeing that Lillie is about to perish quickly changes her mind about leaving and dons her pack-n-play carrier hat (what? that's totally in style these days!) and calls 911. We've heard that Aunt Leah knows the number, Claire, in case you have forgotten it. :) (Inside joke. Sorry. Couldn't resist.)

Once the perishing seems to have stopped, both girls realize that life is too short to fight over a lack of sippy-cupness and settle back in to their lounging positions. Lillie drinking and Claire happily chewing on her toy. Life is good again.

The End
Thank you! Thank you!
Bowing over and over again


  1. that is hilarious!!!! And so true!!!!

  2. How funny! I was going to say "Hillarious" but everyone else already did. You are quite the story teller/writer my dear. I love your blog. Smooches and I must say "oncour" how do you spell that????

  3. That is great!!! I love it!
