Saturday, May 02, 2009


Yesterday at the birthday dinner, we went outside to blow bubbles and the two boys that are constantly at our house, of course, showed up. The 10 year old is Cody and the 5 year old is Austin. They are the strangest pair and it is even more strange that they are always knocking on the door to see if the girls can come out and play. A 10 year old boy that is not related asking to play with 2 and 3 year old little girls. A little strange considering that there are a jillion kids his age that live in this neighborhood. Anyways..... Cody wanted me to take his picture and then one of the two of them together. So here they are. Great posing, don't you think?


  1. I wouldn't trust that 10 yr old boy with the girls. Sounds strange to me. Ask him to please find kids his age to play with and say the girls can not play????not worth them getting hurt. How weird!ha

  2. Actually, Cody is really good with the girls. He will stand forever and push them gently on the swingset. He's always willing to do whatever they ask. Of course, I always watch them when they are playing with anybody but I don't mind that he comes over. But it is wierd. Maybe he doesn't get along with boys his own age.

  3. Oh my gosh!! How odd! Well, if he helps out and you never leave them alone together, I say why not. That is so funny though.

  4. Is he a slow minded child? Maybe he feels loved around all of ya'll????hummmmm. there is one in every crowd!ha. Do the girls like him? does he play with Michael and Jacob?
