Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Silver Dollar City, Our First Family Vacation

Yesterday, our van was in the shop getting her lower intake gasket replaced ($$$$!) so the girls and I decided to walk to town since we were really hungry and there was no food in the house. It started to drizzle right as we reached Steffy's Pizza and we darted inside.

After a yummy meal of half sausage, half pep. pizza and cheese sticks the girls and I gathered ourselves together and set out to walk the pouring rain.

We decided since a run in the rain was really the last thing that we, and by that I mean I, wanted to do, we would just lope across the grass to BNT Auto to check on the status of the van.

It was ready! Hallelujah!

The picture above of all the girls with their hands raised is a picture of the absolute most boring ride at the park. The ladybugs go around in a circle. That's it. No jumping or bouncing or buttons that you can push to go up, up, up and then down, down, down. I had the girls screaming their lungs out and holding their hands up the entire time. It was really, really funny.

We drove home and I ironed for the next 5 years of my life.

After all that ironing I decided a date was in order so I called Leah, who had previously volunteered to babysit and Jason and I made our date details.

I arrived at the Malco Theater and guess what!!!???

All that money that we had just paid to get the van fixed was in vain. I couldn't get her to stay cool. So we had to park her at Wendy's and this morning I made the mechanic man go get her first thing. I am not going to pay towing charges. I can be very firm with people.

But only over the phone.

So here we are, carless again which I really don't mind. I just want it all to be fixed and have one less thing to think about.

Plus, we have grandkid pictures in the morning and I really don't want to walk to the studio.

Look how sweet this one is.


  1. those pictures are all really sweet. i LOVE the one of jason, adam, and philip. that's hilarious

  2. I loved how you said, "I can be very firm with people...but only over the phone!" haha thats how i am! Youre too funny!

  3. you girls just wait until you get my age...I can be firm with people even when they "don't" need it!ha.ha. I'm most time expecting to have to tell someone how I want to be I just jump ahead and let them know!ha.
    too many years working in the public and taking other people's junk!ha. If you need representation...let me know!ha. Love ya'll!

  4. I am so sorry for all your car troubles.. That is one of the most stressful things! But.. your family vacation looks like fun!!
