Saturday, May 02, 2009

Time for another giveway!

This time the giveway is a little girly but any of you men that want to enter, if you win you can just give it to a girl that ya love.

The qualifying question:
What is your favorite movie quote?

$22.93 gift card to Maurices
I do realize that it is a strange amount but I have to work with what I have.

Contest ends Tuesday night at 6pm. It's a little longer than I normally go on a contest but since this is the weekend I thought I probably needed to extend the time limit some.


  1. Will the winner be picked by the winner-picker-generator-thingy? Or are you going to choose?

  2. It depends on how many entrys I get.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Driftwood: "Oh, that? That's the usual clause that's in every contract. That just says if any of the parties participating in this contract are shown not to be in their right mind, the entire agreement is automatically nullified."

    Chico: "Well, I don't know..."

    Driftwood: "It's all right. That's in every contract. That's what they call a sanity clause."

    Chico: "Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! You can't fool me. There ain't no Sanity Clause!"

    - Night at the Opera (Marx brothers movie)

  5. Rachel Jones1:43 PM

    I am having a brain freeze, but want to enter anyway. The Jane Austin movie where at the end she says something like I will call you my Mr. Darcy or Nightly or something. I always thought that was neat becuase she still called him Mr. but it was her Mr.

  6. "A hot dog is singing! You need quiet while a hotdog is singing?!" -You've Got Mail

  7. Anonymous7:51 PM

    Hope fave movie quote!

    "Childhood is what you spend the rest of your life trying to overcome. That's what momma always says. She says that beginnings are scary, endings are usually sad, but it's the middle that counts the most. Try to remember that when you find yourself at a new beginning. Just give hope a chance to float up. And it will..."

    Holli Jaques

  8. "America. Prohibition. (shudder)."

  9. Question: "Do you ever dream?"
    Answer: "Yeah, there was this snake wearing a vest rolling this giant donut."
    Response: "Not that kind of a dream. I want to go to France."

  10. "One cannot be a succesfull dictator and design women's undergarments. One or the other. Never both."
    -Bertram Wooster

  11. You're so beautiful, you make me gag. Jimmy Stewart

  12. Anything Lottie says in Enchanted April.

    "I always fancied myself a flute-y sort of person."

    "I saw Keats, the other day! Walking past my house in a green waistcoat! Because he's immortal, you see. . . that's the difficulty with immortals: they're alive, but . . .they're dead, and. . . well, it's all very odd."

    "It's good to get on with your loving, and not waste time."

    "It's no use, Mellersh. I see them as the Briggses."

    "Cuckoos! I was just thinking about cuckoos, for some reason. It's odd."

  13. Can strangers play? I dropped in from PW's site.
    Very cute kids!!

    Everett- Hold on there - I don't want this pomade, I want Dapper Dan.

    Storekeeper- I don't carry Dapper Dan. I carry Fop.

    Everett- I don't want Fop, damnit I'm a Dapper Dan man!

    Storekeeper- Watch your language, young fellow, this is a public market. Now, if you want Dapper Dan I can order it for you, have
    it in a couple of weeks.

    Everett- Well, ain't this place a geographical oddity - two weeks from everywhere! Forget it! Just the dozen hairnets!

    -O Brother Where Art Thou

  14. Thomas Fairchild: He's still David Larrabee, and you're still the chauffeur's daughter. And you're still reaching for the moon.
    Sabrina Fairchild: No, father. The moon is reaching for me.

  15. "All you need to start an insane asylum is an empty room and the right kind of people."

    ~ My Man Godfrey

    (For proof, come spend an evening in my kitchen. Any evening will do.)

  16. Play it once, Sam. For old times' sake. Ilsa

  17. This is Chad's:
    Dumb & Dumber
    She wrote me a 'john-deere' letter... something about me not listening enough, I don't know... I wasn't really paying attention.
