Saturday, June 13, 2009

And we're off!

We are headed for Texas, or cactus as Elaina keeps calling it. She asked me yesterday if we were going to be cowboys when we get there and I told her no and she said, "But there's horses in cactus!" She might be a little disappointed when we first arrive.

It is amazing how much stuff is required for a trip like this with 3 little girls. I had no idea there would be this much luggage. Tent, tarp, chairs, beds and bedding, clothes, bath items, books, and on and on and on.

Some of you I'll see today or tomorrow. As for the rest of you, I'll be back next week!!!!

So long partners,


  1. We keep telling everyone that you all are going to "Catus"!ha. That is the cutest thing ever!!! Besides Claire thinking that "Harmony Hill" sounded scary!!! I love babies. So entertaining. I'll miss calling you. so disappointed for jason that he couldn't get a flight home. Stupid CMA fan fare and Bonnaroo stuff !ha. Nashville Airport jammed! Have fun. Only young mothers would pack and do all you are doing. I used to be a willing participant!ha. had my turn! ha. Love ya'll!

  2. Have fun!! Hope you and the girls enjoy your time in Texas!!

  3. Elaina and Claire favor in their pics to the right of your blog.

  4. sure will be glad when you get back and post again
