Monday, June 08, 2009

Feeling Groovy and a Video

I think I use the word "groovy" too much on this blog. Hmm.

Well, we are over it for the moment. Jason was throwing up all day yesterday and he feels a lot better today but his stomach is sore. Mom said the same thing about her stomach. Oh wait! I didn't tell you that Mom got the bug from us? I wonder how I could have forgotten to do that. Interesting.

Bonny, you asked what Harmony Hill is. Welllllll.... It's great!! It's a week long camp in Texas that has singing/music classes and Aunt Melissa teaches the young class. Elaina and Claire are going to love it. She has the funnest methods to learn the shape notes. Each note has a name and a little story that goes along with it.

Eily isn't walking yet which is a bummer because I was really hoping that she would start walking before we left. But I'm sure we will be fine and still have a marvelous time. On the last night there is a performance by each class and I will try to remember to take my old digital camera and get a video of the girls singing. I'm sure you will all be on pins and needles waiting for that post.

I am having a Pampered Chef party this Thursday night. Everybody is welcome.



  1. that was so great! you should do more of those on a regular basis with each girl. :-)

  2. I loved it! Lillie was standing here beside me and just screaming "Claire! Lillie here! Claire!"
    Just one question, why on the potty?

  3. So cute! Why is she on the potty? Thanks for telling me what H.H. was!

  4. yes you should do more of these on a regular basis:))
    How precious! She is really playing you!!!! What a personality! Her hair is growing making her face look older:((( This was GREAT!
