Thursday, June 04, 2009

June 4th and nothing important to say

I think I'm going to dye my hair red. I've been thinking about it for a while now. Not an orange red. Just a nice brownish-red.

The girls have hit the change-your-outfit-a-thousand-times-because-we-are-really-in-to-dressing-up stage. This morning, Elaina has already been a ballerina, Belle and "the princess and the pauper." That last one is a dress that is colonial style and the girls decided it was the princess and the pauper dress so they have to say the full name every time. It tickles me.

I have been dreaming of a clothesline but since our house is on the market I don't see the point of having one built.

Harmony Hill is sooooo close!!!! Hooray!! I am really excited about taking the girls this year. I skipped out last year because Eily was only a month old.

The girls have started their summer reading program with the Library. Last night we read 3 of the 5 books that we need to read before next Tuesday. I am loving this part of parenting. The girls are really starting to get old enough to be a whole lot of fun and not just a whole lot of work.

Signing off so that I can go pick up the 5 princess dresses on the living room floor,


  1. do you remember when you, (Leah too, I think) and Rachel would take EVERY piece of clothing out of the closet and hang them on the curtains and play dress shop or some such name as that? I would die every time I saw your room, but would close the door and hope it would look normal again. It always did.

  2. That was so much fun. But we were older and had the ability and height to put it all back in the closet ourselves. Makes a difference. And we didn't wear the clothes, just bought them.

  3. Jolee is so into the dress up thing too, she loves it! And I feel like all I do all day is say..yes, you are a beautiful princess, then pick up all the high heels and princesse dresses!
    Love this age!
