Thursday, July 16, 2009

Eily and the Paci, Night #2

Miss Eily cried for about 30 seconds tonight before drifting off to sleep. I think she has done an incredible job of getting used to no paci. If she doesn't wake up crying like last night I will feel confident enough to throw them all away.


  1. I think I have one in my purse.

  2. oh good. Bless her heart. Great pic of her and Nanny.
    Didn't you love the ones of her on our hotel bed? She was so happy and flopping on the pillows? In her jammies.

  3. I did love those. Her two front teeth were so "out there" in those pictures. It made me smile.

  4. well, she does have some front teeth:) They will fit in when she gets more teeth.ha. What a cutie!!!
