Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Rosie and Me

This morning I got up, bathed, dressed, got the girls up, bathed and dressed, fed the open mouths directed my way and loaded up the car with bags and children. We had 30 minutes to be at the library for Toddler Hour. I walked to my side of the car and was met with a flat tire. So what did I do (besides get mad)? I put my carefully spirally curled hair back in a lackadaisical ponytail and changed that sucker. And the sweat poured. And it wasn't pretty. And it didn't make me smell any sweeter.
And I did it in less than 10 minutes.


  1. Anonymous7:52 PM

    girl power! way to go...that is VERY impressive.

  2. You go girl! I don't know how! You're awesome!

  3. I only know how becuase Dad made us learn when we got our own cars. Thank you, dad.

  4. I'm impressed. The tire places use those power tools to tighten the lugnuts!! Can't believe you got those off. bless your heart. Life!!!!! What a girl you are!
    Love you 'ole stinky!ha

  5. wow, dont think i could do that, actually, i know i couldnt!!

  6. I don't want to find out. I'm a girly wimp. I'd use my cell phone to call "HELP" to some poor male family member who would then feel obligated to come and rescue me:))))
    Then again, when my kids were little I did some pretty way out things, while frustrated, that have left lasting neck injuries...so ...???? Anger/frustration can cause us to turn into "The Incredible Hulkett":)
