Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Happy Anniversary

Back when I wrote this post I was so impressed with myself because it was the first post that I had written that was more than a sentence long that didn't have one single picture in it. I thought it was the longest worded post in the history of the world. I really felt that I had accomplished something fantastic. Now, after posts like this and this, it feels rather obviously short. Life changes. I change. My brain seems to change. (For the worst I'm afraid.) My blogging has changed. I think for the better. I hope for the better. The first year that I blogged, I posted 19 times. So far this year I've posted 171 times.
Thanks for sticking with me for the last 3 years. It's been fun. And random.

After writing this entire post, I decided to look and see what day I actually started this old thing. Turns out it was this month. Turns out it was was exactly a week ago this month in 2006. I had no idea. That's kind of cool!

1 comment:

  1. That is so funny, b/c it was the first post I had read on your blog.
