Saturday, August 15, 2009

Here we go!!!

Sorry about the delay in announcing the winner. We've had a busy 5 day streach.

The winner is ellie-bird. She was the first person to answer and she answered every question correctly. Horray ellie!

The suprise winner is Margeretta. Horray Marge! You will recieve a 5 dollar gift card to Starbucks.

Thanks for playing everyone!!
My sister just called to tell me that she read my blog and that I have no pride. I wonder why she thinks that? :)

I have the comments set to where I have to approve them first. That way no one can cheat and copy someone else's answers. First person to correctly answer all the questions wins the gift card. Good Luck!!

1. What nickname did this fictional character (pictured) call his wife (also pictured)?


2. On the Periodic Table of Elements, what does the symbol “Ag” represent?

3. Stemming from the Latin word for “ten”, what three-syllable word means “destroy”?

4. Whom did the Washburn Crosby Company create in 1921 as a way of promoting its flour and baking products?
Betty Crocker

5. What famous novel begins with the line “Call me Ishmael…” ?
Moby Dick

6. Which male performer was awarded the very first gold record?
Perry Como

7. Which of the following does not belong in the list?

French horn
French Horn

8. How many states begin with the letter “I”? Four

9. How long did the Hundred Years’ War last? 116 years

10. Germany is divided into how many states? 16

There it is everyone! The contest will end Friday night at 8pm. August 14, 2009. I will reveal the winner first thing Monday morning. It would be sooner but as I mentioned before, I won't have access to a computer because I will be at the Rich Mountain Association.

There might be a surprise giveaway to a random participant so enter even if the time is about up.


  1. 1. Lovey
    2. silver
    3. decimate
    4. betty crocker
    5. moby dick
    6. perry como
    7. french horn
    8. four
    9. 116 years
    10. 16

  2. Melanie Hodges6:14 PM

    Now, I only knew about half of these on my own! I did a little bit of research tonight!

    What nickname did this fictional character (pictured) call his wife (also pictured)? “Lovey”

    2. On the Periodic Table of Elements, what does the symbol “Ag” represent? Silver

    3. Stemming from the Latin word for “ten”, what three-syllable word means “destroy”? “Abolish” or “desicate”?

    4. Whom did the Washburn Crosby Company create in 1921 as a way of promoting its flour and baking products? Betty Crocker

    5. What famous novel begins with the line “Call me Ishmael…” ? Moby Dick

    6. Which male performer was awarded the very first gold record? Perry Como

    7. Which of the following does not belong in the list?

    French horn – this one does not belong! 

    8. How many states begin with the letter “I”? 4 – Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Idaho

    9. How long did the Hundred Years’ War last? 49 years

    10. Germany is divided into how many states? 16 states

  3. 1.Lovey
    2. silver
    3. decimate
    4. betty crocker
    5. Moby Dick
    6. Perry Como
    7. French HOrn
    8. 4
    9. 116
    10. 16

  4. 1. 'Lovey'
    2. Silver
    3. Decimate
    4. Betty Crocker
    5. Moby Dick
    6. Glen Miller
    7. French Horn
    8. 4
    9. 116 years
    10. 16

  5. well I knew that Thurston Howell called his wife "LOVIE".ha.
    I'm assuming the 100 yr war lasted 100 yrs??? and I could figure out the states beginning with I if I wanted to!ha.
    I guess I lost!ha.ha. Love you.

  6. well, I knew that Thurston Howell called his wife "LOVIE" and I assume that the 100 yr war lasted 100 yrs. I could easily figure out the states beginning with the letter I.. so I guess I lost the contest!ha.

  7. 1. halo head
    2. ... I could easily google this, but I'm going with sodium
    3. demolish
    4. lily white
    5. Ishmael
    6. you said which and didn't give choices - but I'll guess and say Michael Jackson
    7. French horn (the others are wood wind instruments)
    8. 3 (Idaho, Indiana, Iowa)
    9. ... 102 years?
    10. two

    at least I tried. :-)
