Monday, September 28, 2009

Happy Birthday, Claire! (revised)

My sweet Rachel Claire,
You are 3 now. Almost a little lady. You have become so much easier this year. (Unfortunately, Eily is right on your heels with the terrible two's.) Right now you are picking up the house for me. What a sweetie.
You are learning your letters, have finally mastered your colors and are fully potty trained. It was a big year for you. You also ride your tricycle everywhere and you LOVE swimming lessons. Your hair has reached your chin so you more like a girl. :)
You can really have an ugly mouth but we are working on how to speak nicely and we are working on your ability to get along with others.
You give the best hugs and have the most delightful way of expressing yourself when you talk. I could watch you talk for hours and never once get bored. This year we will start on your school and I look forward to seeing you learn new things but dread the drama that is bound to happen. You have practiced putting diapers on Pooh Bear for quite a while now and the other day you diapered Eily while I was getting Elaina out of the bathtub. What a nice surprise! You have always been my "mothering" child."
I love you, Rachel Claire and I hope that I do you right as a mother. I hope I can nurture your soft, loving side and help it to be your most dominate personality. You are truly special and I'm so blessed that you were given to me.


  1. It's hard to believe that she's already 3! it seems like yesterday she was a itty bitty baby... and I was running to put her passy back in when she cried.

  2. Happy Birthday Claire! Love all the pictures!

  3. o.k. Bekah, I cried at this post. I'm just too mushy. AND......I love her more than the English language will allow me to express.
    I know your heart, for I raised babies too. it is huge to mold a little child of God! a mother's hopes and dreams for her children are a huge heart of responsibility. Our fear of helping or hendering is huge as well!
    Love you all. BeBe
