Wednesday, September 23, 2009

It's my birthday!!

I woke up this morning with an upset stomach. Something I ate yesterday is not happy with its new surroundings.
Claire woke up the entire family by throwing a big fit during the night so I am very tired.

But Elaina made up for everything. This morning she wanted me to make a list of things to do. I was too busy groaning over my tummy and said no so she said she would make her own list. And for the very first time, she sounded out her words and wrote them on a piece of paper.

The top work looks like pk, but it's not. She started with the bottom word: "P","i" (the "i" is fancy) and then a "k" that is really a "n" but I didn't tell her that. She isn't skilled at drawing "k's" yet.

Then she hit the bottom of the paper and had to write the next word above the first word. She started with the u (that looks like a "k") and once again ran out of room so she just wrote the "p" in front of the "u". Are you still with me?

The end result: pu pik, which translated means "Pick up."

Suddenly I'm seeing her go off to college!! :)


  1. Wow! Way to go Elaina!!!! and a very Happy Birthday Rebekah!!!!!

  2. Anonymous8:05 AM

    That is awesome, Bekah! What a sweet birthday gift. :)

  3. :-D that's great!

  4. awwwwwwwwww, watery eyed ...i am:)
    Our baby is getting BIG! I loved this post. Thanks!
    Between you and Jason...I knew you'd have at least ONE "LIST" child!ha.ha.

    Happy Birthday Bekah. Hope you feel better and have a great day! Wish I was close, I'd keep the girls and help you and Jason have a date:)

  5. Anonymous10:16 AM

    I totally was with you from the start! I actually figured it out once you said to start at the bottom of the paper! This is awesome! Go Elaina!! BTW this is heather, i just cant remember my username right now!lol
