Monday, September 07, 2009

Oh my aching back!

The original Green family. L-R
Adam Green (34), Leah Moseley(24), Mark Green, Sarah Irby (19), Pam Green, Rachel Jones (30), Rebekah Sacran (28), Joshua Green (32)

Every day I have been telling myself, "Just get through this month. You can do it. One day at a time. Don't panic." Usually, September is an exciting month for me. It's my birthday month and now that I've had chilluns it's the birthday month for the oldest two as well but instead of being exciting and fun-filled, it has been the month of weddings and births and lesson plans and church meetings and travel. Now, these things can be fun and I'm not complaining about them in general, it's just that I have a great new plan for our days here at Christy Lane and I can't get life to slow down enough to implement it. It involves chore lists and allowance and school and exercise and readings and play dates and so many other wonderful, wonderful things.

My youngest sister, Sarah, got married last Saturday. It was fun but I'm glad that it's over. Right now she and Brad are in the Bahamas. Jason and I went to the Bahamas for our Honeymoon. In January. It wasn't the smartest choice we've ever made.

The young wedding party L-R

Allison, Jacob,(Twins belonging to Adam) Eli(Rachel's oldest), Michael (Adam's oldest), Audrey(Adam's youngest), Elaina, Claire and Lillie(Leah's)

This coming week I have a hair appointment and chiro appointment and I have to complete my lesson plans. Thursday night starts a weekend meeting so I have to get the lesson plans and all the cleaning/laundry done by Wednesday night.

The only reason I am telling you everything I have to do this week is because I cannot think of anything to write and I'm just filling space.

I'm going to bed now.



  1. I'm so glad you posted that picture of you, your parents and your siblings, I've always wanted to see all of you together plus ages, now I wish I knew which kids belonged to who. You look beautiful by the way!! I love the bridesmaids dresses. Sarah makes a beautiful bride!

  2. I'll say who blongs to who/whom.
