Saturday, October 31, 2009

Boo Humbug!

Some days are so long. And it's not that they are bad, they are just taking forever to end. Today is one of those days. I need to go get supper on and get ready for the trick-or-treaters that are going to be showing up before long. We are going to let the girls put on their princess dresses to hand out the candy. That's about the closest I can comfortably get to celebrating this demonic holiday. If we didn't live in a housing addition that had 1,098,570 children in it we wouldn't even be doing that. I just hate Halloween. Why are people drawn to something that tries to glorify ghosts, witches, death, and all sorts of spooky and nasty creatures? I don't get it. I'll just take me some Thanksgiving, thank you very much.


  1. i went trick or treating with some friends for the first time ever. it was pretty funny.

    but i agree with you. give me thanksgiving, any old day.

  2. I am with you 100%, although I do admit, I love babies in costumes. We've never celebrated it and I'm a little surprised at the number of Christians that celebrate it without reservations.

  3. I do agree with you about the whole glorifying ghost thing, but I see Halloween as a chance to celebrate fall & family. We love carving/painting pumpkings, having pumpkin stew and dressing up. I know it was originally a pagan holiday, we just choose to not celebrate that part of it. It's more of a family fun day.

  4. Melanie Hodges6:31 AM

    I am with you on this subject. We live in a neighborhood filled with little kids. We always put three chairs up to block our porch so no one can come up and knock on the door. You would think they would get the hint with that, wouldn't you? We have had people move the chairs and knock anyway. I always try to be away from home on 10/31 too. For the past several years I have successfully arranged a dinner and a singing at church for all who would come. We didn't have a lot of people this year, but at least we got out of the house. I can't wait until Thanksgiving. It is my favorite time of the year! Love ya! Mel
