Monday, October 19, 2009

A new world has been presented

Elaina read from her first book today. Not her reading lesson book, a regular old book. A bright new world has been opened to her. Today she saw the wonderful places that you can visit and people that you can meet once you delve into a book. Do you want to hear her adventure? Are you ready for this? Here we go...

Balls, balls, balls. Big balls. Little balls. Balls for you and me. (turn the page)I like balls. I can play with this one. I make it go up and down. You can play with me. Look out. (this is where it gets really exciting.) Here it comes. Get it. Get it. (Turn the page) This is fun to play. The ball is a little one. Can you get this little ball? Look at the little ones here. Pretty little ones. Make one go in. Make one go out.

I'll spare you the rest. With books as exciting and dramatic as this I think I'll soon be having to pry the books away from her fingers just to get her to get dressed.

Don't you agree?


  1. Yea for Elaina. Can you post a video of her reading this???

  2. My heart is pounding!!! Love you Lainey!
