Saturday, October 03, 2009

October 3

I feel the baby bug about to bite.


  1. You might be able to take something for this. How about a good dinner out instead! (jk)

  2. Adam,
    if everyone followed your baby advice there would be no children in the world but your own.

  3. I think it's a great excuse for quitting The 30 Day Shred. LOL! :)

  4. Did you get the pictures of Lily? Wasn't she a cutie? It's lots of work, but ....God gives us our children. Maybe Jason can get going with his new job and get a Masters behind him so he can feed them all:)HA. You know me...I love 'em! Keep 'em coming:)) We'll buy the clothes!ha.ha. Kidding!

  5. Anonymous6:42 PM

    It's bitten me. I am terrified to go back down the infertility road...but step number one is getting healthy. So I have devoted Winter and Spring 2010 to becoming the best me I can be...and then, clomid again. And prayer. And support.

    You have beautiful babies...and I want to see what you would do with a CRAZY boy....although another beautiful girl would be cute. I am the 4th girl ya know...and I think it's a pretty cool number to be :)

    good luck with the 30 day shred hehehee...

    Holli J.
