Monday, November 30, 2009

Back to normal

What is normal in our home? I'm not sure. But I'm going to be thinking about that and contemplating and analyzing until I come up with what I think the answer should be.  I'll get back to you on that one.

We had a great Thanksgiving and as soon as I get the cord back from Grandma's house I will upload pictures and give you all a splendiferous post to read.  How was your Thanksgiving? What did you do? Where did you go? What was your favorite food item from the Main Meal? Did you give your closet a makeover? I did and it was wonderful. Cleansing. This is what I got rid of and will no longer be taking up room in my closet.

Isn't that amazing?  Tomorrow I am going to price it all and pack it away until yard sale weather comes 'round again. I bet I make a pretty penny. (Which in yard sale terms is about $100.)

Could someone please tell me where spell check is in Beta?


  1. just think, you do not have to wash, fold, or iron those ever again.

  2. Every time I think about that pile I feel happy!

    Thanks for letting us stay with you Saturday! Lots of fun. Wish we could have hung around to help you clean up breakfast and beddings.

  3. My Thanksgiving was great, and honestly I can't pick out a favorite food item, it was all good!! We stayed at Chad's parents house this year. I cleaned out Owen's room, got rid of A LOT of toys, he had a lot of baby toys and I know we're going to need room for his new toys this Christmas. I also cleaned out the hall closet. Now I'm moving on to the Bathroom Closets. Next will be mine & Chad's. Glad you had a great Thanksgiving!

  4. Wow - was there a closet makeover challenge that I didn't know about? I can't say that I cleaned any closets - I wasn't at home! I did, however, have a great Thanksgiving with family - am glad to be back home though and in my own bed - ahhh - anyway, found your blog through Anne and Mike M's blog, I think. Cute children - I don't know how you get so much done - I have 5 and with a 10 mo. old and homeschooling, well, I don't get a lot "extra" done each day :) anyway, enjoyed your post today when I popped over.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Yes thank you, thank you. ::bow, bow:: As co-resident fashion advisor for last weekend, along with Margaretta and elliebird, I would like to say how much I enjoyed Cleansing the Clothes Closet of Ceridwen of all things unCool, old Collegiate, and Certainly unacceptable. It was fun. Perhaps we go to Panera with the Proceeds???
