Thursday, January 07, 2010

It's been somewhat of a tough week but I think it can only get better. Or at the very least, stay the same. We haven't been getting much sleep around here these days and last night was the worst. Elaina had another night terror (not to be confused with a nightmare) which woke up Eily. Eily then stayed up all night long. At 6:30 this morning I went and got Jason up and asked him to take over. He let me sleep as long as I wanted and I got up at 11. It was marvelous! I'm really hoping for a what-used-to-be normal night tonight and we all sleep a good 9-12 hours. We need it. So very badly.
We had a death of a very close friend this week as well. He had been battling brain cancer and in the last three weeks he really went downhill fast. Yesterday was his funeral and I feel the sadness lingering on to today. I'm just in a cloud of yuckiness.

I'll perk up. Just be patient, please.


  1. I'm so sorry for your loss! Night Terrors are scary! I hope you finally get a normal night! Go Jason for letting you sleep in!

  2. Very sad to hear about Bro. Davis passing. My prayers are with Kayla and family.
    Poor Elaina. you know, it doesn't help that 4 yrs old is the nightmare stage and age. could contribute to the bringing on of the 'terrors"
    praying for her too.
