Monday, February 15, 2010

4 things I have learned from my daughters today

1)  Eily has beautiful eyebrows.

2) When you are on a boat you have to wear pantyhose.

3) Diarrhea is hard to clean out of a dining room chair.

4) Peeing in the potty can earn you two M&M's.


  1. Melanie3:09 PM

    You know how to make me laugh! # 3 has me ROFL!!! Yeah, Josiah is into potty treats too. He actually brought me a treat when I used the potty and said: "Good job! You're a big girl now!"

  2. sounds like an interesting day...

  3. #3 is more than i wanted to know.

  4. why must one wear pantyhose on a boat?reede
