Sunday, May 02, 2010

Home Repairs

Doesn't that title just reel you in? Doesn't it sound so exciting?  Well it does to me!!  

We have been accepted into an IDA government program that will allow us to make some major changes on our home and hopefully, when we put it back on the market, it will sell quickly.
We put $1333 into the account and once I finish my 5 week classes they will deposit $4000 into the account. Not a bad deal, eh? I have already completed 2 classes and I will be doing another class this Tuesday so we are really close to being finished.

Jason and I have made a list of the things that we want to get done and they are numbered by importance so that if we run out of money before we get to the end of the list it will just be the little things that don't get done.  I am going to share my list with you so that you can rejoice in the changes with us. And, you can anticipate the entire list being crossed off. And... because it's fun!!

1. A privacy fence built.  Once this is complete we get to bring our new puppy home. Bella had babies. Did I not ever mention that? They are adorable little puggles. Half beagle and half pug. I'm so in love.

2. A cabinet built around the dishwasher, a microwave cabinet built above the dishwasher and a small cabinet that had to be removed when the plumber put a new faucet on the bathtub needs to be re-secured. There was the issue of getting the existing cabinet tops to match the new one until I came up with the bright idea to top the dishwasher with a wooden cutting board. I can't think of the name of that material at the moment.  This is driving me crazy! What is that called? I have said it about 4 times today and I cannot even get close to thinking of it right now. That is so frustrating.  Oh! Oh! Butcher's block. Ahhh. My brain feels better now.

3. A new air conditioner unit for Jason's studio.

4. New walls around the bathtub. No more urine-yellow tiles!!! (This also has to be done because the plumber knocked tiles off when he put the new faucet in last week.)

5. Put laminate wood flooring in the living room and the hallway. Now, I always said I would never put laminate wood in my house but I have to remember that we are selling this house so it really doesn't matter that it's not real wood. Not to offend everyone that has laminate wood (I think that includes almost all of you) but I just personally want real wood in my *dream* house.

I think your floors look lovely.

6.  Bathrooms:
- Tile floors
- Pedestal sinks if the plumbing will line up correctly

7. Put new lights in the hallway and the kitchen. The current hallway light is actually an outdoor light (what were they thinking?) and one panel is missing and the kitchen light is outdated and just plain ugly.

8. Paint the front door and the shutters. I think I am going to go with black on this idea. We have some black in our brick and the wrought (sp?) iron is black.  If you have a better idea, please share it.

9. Landscaping
My cousin, Roy, said the first time he ever came to my home, "Man, I would love to landscape this yard!" Guess what Roy!! This is your chance!  (Actually, he already knows about this.) I want the two front flower beds freshened and they need new borders. I would like to have window boxes under the two bedroom windows on the front of the house and I have thought about a little round flower bed between the two trees in the front yard with a birdbath right in the middle. Are birdbaths a thing of the past because I really like them but I never see them anymore.

10. Last but not least, (except in this case it really is the least important so never mind that,
installing an outdoor light in the backyard.

Isn't this all so exciting? I just can't wait. The next step is to get estimates on everything and then in three weeks we can get started. Hooray!!!!



  1. sounds like so much fun! take pictures!

  2. Uhhhh, correction to item one. Not to bring just your one puppy home, but all puppies except Anita's. I also don't think Laura and Julia are going to take one. Julia indicated that her Mom doesn't like the idea. Hey, you could get the girls and stand outside WalMart with a free puppy sign and the girls holding up the puppies. No one can resist those girls.

  3. Pam, I had to laugh!

    Bekah, my ABC wholesale catalog has the cutest outdoor things that have "solar energy" lights on them. very affordable. They just power up all day and shine at night???? It's a thought and will make the yard adorable. good for back yard????

    I love all the ideas. (I also love my laminate foors.ha. I've had real wood floors before...too much upkeep and too much work to keep them from looking worn and scuffed.) But, good for you if you are willing to put in the work:)
    I'm excited for ya'll! love you and am excited!!!

  4. that is a very impressive list. way to go bekah!

  5. Melanie Hodges4:57 AM

    Wow, when you are done, will you come to Roanoke, VA and help me? Seriously, though, I am interested in hearing more about this IDA government program, when you have time!

  6. I am so excited for y'all! It's gonna feel so good.

    Birdbaths can be cute, but they can get to lookin really nasty if not kept up really well. And if you have the money, I would definitely spend it on an outdoor light rather than a birdbath. That's my vote.

    You could do blue door and shutters. More friendly than black. Although black would probably look sharp. Or a dark taupe shutters and a coral red door. Even friendlier. Though perhaps not the most versatile, people-wise, and you ARE painting to sell. Hm...
