Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Mommies, movies and mugginess.

Eily is potty training. She wants to, knows exactly what is going on and has had zero accidents all day. I need to just give in, realize it won't be that big a deal and get it over with.

The days have been lovely. A little muggy at times but still lovely. We have a little creek behind our house and sometimes in the evening after the girls have gone to bed I like to go outside and listen to the trickling of the water. It's so soothing. It takes me back to when I was little and would lay on the bank of Grandpa's creek and doze or daydream.

Today is Mom's birthday. Happy Birthday, Nanny!!

Elaina went on her date with Daddy. The went out to eat and to the movies. She LOVED it!!


  1. I think Daddy-Daughter dates are just wonderful! So sweet!

  2. Such wonderful pictures. I bet Eily has it all figured out and is just waiting on you. lol All of you use to have Daddy dates for you birthday. that was something you always looked forward too. Glad you and Jason are doing that too.

  3. So beautiful!!!! What a blessing to know that your son is being a great daddy!
    Jason, by setting a high standard in your daughter's lives...they will look for a high standard in a husband!
    Keep it up!!!
    These are adorable.
    Bek, I have a pic of Jason/Claire date. Can you send me one of Jason/Elaina date on email so I can keep it? Thanks.

  4. stick to it for Eily. She will travel better and feel big:) She is soooo sweet. Plus, what a savings on diapers. I miss them all. big hugs.
