Monday, May 10, 2010

We found out today that they had gotten the amounts on our accounts mixed up and my account to fix the house only gets $2000. This drastically cuts into what we can get fixed but I'll just be thankful for the changes that do take place. Fence, air conditioner unit, kitchen cabinet and tub wall get first dibs on the money. After that we'll just do as we can. I'm really hoping the floor will still be able to get changed but it's not looking too good as this point.

The older girls started swimming lessons again but this was Eily's first time. She and I are taking a Mom and Tot class and let me tell you, that girl is like a little fish. She has no fear and naturally does the moves. Today she learned how to kick her feet, kick her arms and blow bubbles. Then she learned how to do all three at the same time. It's going to be fun.

1 comment:

  1. Swimming lessons are so fun!! and I want to see pictures of all the improvements.. OR.. even better, I want to see them in person.. someday..
