Thursday, July 01, 2010

An ordinary day

How wonderful it feels to have an ordinary day. I am finally somewhat caught up from Harmony Hill. It seems to always take several days to get everything put up and get back in the swing of things again. Plus, we have had all this construction going on.

The fence has been completed,

and I'm not quite sure that I'm comfortable with the "we have privacy" version of my children.

Apparently, they are completely embracing the No One Can See Us So Let's Be Free mentality.

I also finally got around to making my headboard this week. I have had this idea for several months and it has finally come to fruition. First, I gathered a little collection of dishtowels to sew together. That took less than an hour. (The sewing, not the gathering.)

Then yesterday I went to Lowe's and bought a board and then I went to a fabric store and bought some foam.

That took all of 20 minutes. I then came home, spray glued the foam on and stapled the material around the board. That might have taken 30 minutes. Then Jason hung it for me and this is the finished product:

I'm quite pleased with the way it turned out. I made curtains out of the dishtowels that aren't embroidered and as soon as I can remember to buy a curtain rod I will hang them on the window. It's taken me three years to do something to our room other than just paint the walls.

Since the fence is completed and the dog barrier has been put in place, Tod (or Toddy as Eily refers to him) is finally home with us!

I like to think Elaina is singing a song of rejoicing in this picture to depict how we all feel.


  1. well aren't you just a resourceful little homemaker! :)
    nice fence. nice headboard. nice face.

  2. I love the back yard and new fence. I didn't know the swing set was that big... you all have a playground back there. :-)

  3. oh, Rebekah. how we laughed.

  4. Toddy! Oh, he's got to be Toddy from now on.

    I heart this post: <3 makes me happy.
