Thursday, July 22, 2010

What? I'm supposed to post occasionally?

We have been purging. I love to purge. I love to get rid of things and I love to clean and organize what's left behind. I moved Eily out of the purple room and turned the playroom into her room. Now, both bedrooms are simple and refreshing.

Daddy was home alone with the two younger girls Monday morning. It did not go well. This is one of 3 incidents that happened. I think this was the first. The other two involved chocolate pudding and s'mores.


  1. HAHAH!! Sorry.. You will probably always remember this though...

  2. this cracks me up! i'm now a follower! haha! :)

  3. I shared this at work and they got a kick out of it.

  4. Was it baby powder?
